What is Covered by Restaurant and Bar Insurance?

Restaurant and bar insurance is different than the usual kind of commercial insurance, Advantage Insurance Network, serving Cincinnati, OH, explains. The food and beverage industry’s unique nature can leave an owner legally exposed if a mishap occurs to any of the customers he or she serves

Like other forms of commercial insurance, restaurant and bar insurance will protect you against equipment failure, theft or other crime, a disaster such as a fire or flood, and lengthy downtime because of a natural disaster. However, the main virtue of taking out a restaurant and bar insurance policy is that it covers you in case of harm done to a customer.

Suppose that a customer at your establishment suffers food poisoning or perhaps gets something caught in his or her airway. You can be insured against such expenses as legal fees, medical costs, and the cost of a settlement if your business is sued.

The liabilities of any establishment serving alcohol can be even more daunting. Any experienced bartender or server can tell if a customer is inebriated and strongly suggest that he or she get a ride home. However, some drunken customers can slip through the cracks and leave your establishment, causing a horrendous accident on the road. You, as a business owner who serves liquor, could find yourself legally liable for property damage, injury, and even death caused by the accident your customer brought about. Altercations at the bar itself between customers who have had too much to drink can also lead to legal action.

For further questions about how restaurant and bar insurance can protect you, contact Advantage Insurance Network serving Cincinnati, OH.