Three types of coverage your restaurant and bar insurance policy should include

Restaurant and bar insurance is essential for the owner of a bar/restaurant establishment. If you are the owner of a bar and restaurant, numerous types of coverage should be included in your policy. 

At Advantage Insurance Network, we can provide you with any information you need about the restaurant and bar insurance coverage in Cincinnati, OH. The following are three types of coverage your restaurant and bar insurance policy should include. 

Liability coverage

Liability coverage is probably the most important type of coverage you need your restaurant and bar insurance policy to include. Liability coverage protects your company from financial damages resulting from lawsuits. 

Lawsuits are a substantial financial risk for restaurant and bar establishments since customers at restaurant operations can become injured. Liability coverage as part of your commercial insurance policy protects your company’s financial future. 

Property coverage

Restaurant and bar operations need to invest in a physical location. If the physical building out of which you’re doing business becomes damaged, your company will no longer be able to continue bringing in revenue. 

Property coverage can pay for repair costs if your facility becomes damaged. This type of coverage ensures that you’ll continue to have a physical location where you can do business. 

Workers’ compensation coverage

As a restaurant and bar owner, you inevitably need to have a staff of employees to serve your customers. Restaurant and bar employees could potentially become injured on the job, so you need to carry workers’ compensation coverage as part of your commercial insurance policy. 

We’re happy to assist you when you’re looking to meet your insurance needs as a restaurant/bar owner in Cincinnati, OH. Call or email us today at Advantage Insurance Network.