Overview of Renters Insurance

Renters insurance is quite a common type of insurance. Property management companies often require renters to obtain and maintain renters insurance coverage in order to live in their rental properties. This is generally because the renter’s insurance protects the property management company from liability, but it benefits the renter as well. Renters insurance covers a renter’s personal property in the event of theft thus allowing the renter to have peace of mind when away from their apartment. Renters insurance also covers expenses such as a renter’s cost of living in the event that the renter must temporarily relocate because of fire damage.

One factor that people always discuss when it comes to insurance is cost. Thankfully, the cost of renters insurance in Cincinnati, OH is fairly low and typically ranges from a minimum of fifteen dollars a month to a maximum of thirty dollars a month. This is extremely affordable for almost all renters. Thus, the cost of a renters insurance policy is usually not a deciding factor in whether or not someone is able to obtain renters insurance. However, as with all insurance, the cost of the policy is an important point to cover when examining renters insurance as a whole.

Coverage is another major part of any discussion on insurance. For $15-30 a month, the average renter’s insurance plan provides $100,000 of personal liability coverage and $15,000 of personal property coverage. For the low monthly cost, renters insurance, even the basic plans, provides an excellent amount of coverage for renters. Additionally, renters insurance also provides approximately $1000-2000 of coverage for medical bills in these basic plans.

Many people want to get renters insurance in Cincinnati, OH. If you are interested in getting renters insurance, Advantage Insurance Network is the company for you since they have years of experience helping customers with renters insurance. To find out more, call Advantage Insurance Network at 513.922.9460.

What is Condo Association Insurance?

If you oversee a condo association or have recently been appointed to the board condo association insurance may be a topic that comes up. However, unless you are involved with the association, you may not understand what this is. At Advantage Insurance Network, serving the Cincinnati, OH area, we are happy to help you understand the different types of insurance products that we offer. Here is a bit more information on what condo association insurance is. 

What is Condo Association Insurance?

A condo association is required to care for, maintain and repair certain parts of the condo building. In most cases, these are common areas or items used by the building. This may be the exterior of the building, any elevators in the condo, the roof and common sewer or water lines. If one of these items is damaged due to a tree falling on the building, a storm or some other reason aside from lack of maintenance, condo association insurance steps in to help pay for those repairs, much like homeowners insurance would step in and pay for the damages. 

What is the Benefit of Condo Association Insurance?

The biggest benefit is that your condo association has peace of mind that the building is covered in the event of a catastrophic event. Without this type of insurance, you would have to have enough money set aside in reserve funds to cover these events. It can take time for newer buildings to build up this amount of money, and in the meantime, the money needed for proper maintenance may not be available. This type of insurance allows cash to flow where it is needed, rather than large emergency funds.  

If you oversee a condo association, be sure to take the time to obtain quotes from various companies and compare rates and policies. If you are looking to obtain a quote for condo association insurance in the greater Cincinnati, OH area, call Advantage Insurance Network today. 

Three Things to Do to Prepare for Spring Leasing Season

For a lot of people, the end of the spring means it is almost time to start looking for a new rental apartment or home. For students, it is the end of the semester and they are getting ready to go home for the summer, and for everyone else, many leases are coming to an end. But whether you are about to renew your current lease or get yourself a new one, here are three things you can do to prepare.

1. Reorganize

If you are nearing the end of your lease and are planning on either staying or finding a new place, it is time to take a look at your stuff. When you first moved in, you had the necessities, but over the year you have probably accumulated a few extra belongings. Spring is a great opportunity to get rid of some things you don’t want, and to organize the things you want to keep. 

2. Cleaning

Even if you clean everyday, places such as corners, ceilings, closets and other nooks and crannies can get dirty. Spring is the perfect time of year to do a deep clean. After all, you have just reorganized your stuff, so you should have plenty of room to clean a little extra.

3. Insurance

Every renter needs renter’s insurance. While the property you are renting is usually covered in your lease, your possessions inside that property are not. A lot of places in the Cincinnati, OH area even require insurance in the lease. Spring is a great time to renew or find a great rental insurance company. Advantage Insurance Network serving Cincinnati, OH would love to be that company.

If you have any questions about renters insurance or need a quote, contact Advantage Insurance Network today.

Boat Insurance: Why you need it

You may not be worried about theft or damage to your boat and its contents, but your exposure to liability risks remains. Without insurance coverage, your life savings and passengers in the vessel as well will be in danger. Advantage Insurance Network, Cincinnati, OH has custom boat insurance policies to cover you, your boat, personal possessions and passengers too.
While there is not much emphasis on the need to have boat insurance in some states, there are several reasons why you need such coverage.

Coverage For Bodily Injury
In the event of an accident, passengers inside your boat may be injured, and if you are found to be legally liable, this policy will help you pay for injuries that other persons have suffered. Also, a lawsuit may be filed, and we will offer necessary representation to defend you at our expense. As a result, you do not have to worry about the cost obligation or the technicalities of dealing with such a case, because our agents assume these responsibilities fully.

Coverage For Damage Or Loss
Most probably, there will be damages to other people’s property as well as your own after being involved in a boat accident, and this will be accompanied by losses too. Boat insurance will cover for property damage to others, in addition to payment for fuel spills resulting from the impact. You will also be compensated for personal property that was damaged or lost aboard the watercraft.

Affordable Coverage
Advantage Insurance Network, Cincinnati, OH offers affordable boat insurance products, to suit the needs of individual boat owners. Besides, we have excellent boat insurance solutions that keep us ahead of the park, and you can find suitable cover from the options available, depending on your financial capability. 
We would love to have you on board so, call us today to discuss a cover for your boat and any inquiries on the same as well.

Is My Boat Covered While on Land?

People living in Cincinnati, OH are not required by law to carry insurance on their boat, and if your vessel is very small or has a modest-sized engine or none at all, your homeowner’s insurance may provide some coverage on your boat. In most cases, however, you are going to need a separate policy. Your boat insurance will cover the damage that you cause to another person’s boat or property, and it will pay for costs related to bodily injury. In addition, your boat will be protected if it is harmed in an accident or by running aground.

When Your Boat is out of the Water

Your boat can still be protected when it is on land, but it is most likely that this coverage will not come from your boat insurance policy. Even if you have insurance on your yacht, it will probably only cover that vessel while it is in the water. When your craft is being transported and something happens, the risk is transferred and assumed by your auto insurance policy.

If the boat is parked on your property, the limited indemnification provided by your homeowner’s policy will not extend to your personal possessions if they are stolen or vandalized. The best reassurance you can have for your boat while on land is an umbrella policy that will work alongside your homeowners or automobile insurance to pay all costs related to any sort of damage. 

Advantage Insurance Network is a Trusted Provider of Boat Insurance

Advantage Insurance Network has valuable experience in serving the people of Cincinnati, OH with their various insurance needs, and it will be our pleasure to go above and beyond for you. We invite you to call us or to visit our office location to discuss the particulars of your insurance requirements.  

Why Many Places Require Renters Insurance

There are a lot of apartment complexes and even individual landlords that require renters insurance in Cincinnati, OH. It is designed to protect you and your belongings. When you sign the lease, you might even be required to show proof of your insurance policy. Understanding why you’re being required to have a policy will make it easier for you to spend the money.

Property Insurance Doesn’t Cover You

Many people make the assumption that the property in Cincinnati, OH has its own insurance. While this is true, it covers the building. It does not cover any of your personal belongings. As such, it’s important that you have a renter’s insurance policy under your name. Agents at Advantage Insurance Network can assist you with finding affordable insurance.

Anything Can Happen

All sorts of things can happen when you’re renting a home. The apartment above you could flood, sending water down on your furniture. The unit next to you could have a fire and spread into your home. You might even encounter a theft. If anything of yours is stolen or damaged, you have the ability to file a claim with the insurance company.

The level of coverage will vary by insurance company and what you choose. When you have more expensive items, you might need a higher level of coverage than what is typically offered. It’s important to identify how much you need. Some places will even set a minimum level based upon what they have seen needed in the past.

By requiring renters insurance, places take care of you. They identify that they are not responsible and they make sure that you have the coverage on your own. When you call Advantage Insurance Network, one of our agents can help you find the right policy to meet your needs.



Understanding Condo Insurance Coverage

If you decide to buy a condo instead of renting an apartment or buying a house, you will need to consider condo insurance. Condo insurance is a safety net to protect you and your new property. The Cincinnati, OH agents at Advantage Insurance Network are here to offer you support in your search for the appropriate amount of condo insurance.

Why Condo Insurance

In Ohio, the condos have homeowners associations that maintain insurance for their property. Because you own the unit and not the property, their insurance usually does not cover you. If there were a fire to the exterior of the building, the association would be able to repair the damage with their coverage. If your property inside becomes damaged, you may not be covered.

What You Get from Condo Insurance

Having a condo means you’ll need insurance, just as you would if you owned a house.

  • Personal Liability – if there’s an accident inside of your home, you may be liable for their injuries. You could have to pay the cost of medical bills, equipment, and lawyers’ fees if their injuries are a result of your negligence.
  • Personal Property – if your property is stolen, vandalized, or destroyed, the only way to recover the cost is to have insurance. For example, your condo is burglarized, but you don’t have condo insurance. You would have to replace all of those items out of your own pocket.
  • Building Property – associations may cover the cost of the exterior of your unit, but they don’t generally cover the cost of walls that hold fixtures and built-in bookcases. Condo insurance can help with that.

Buying a condo is a great way to start your life. Make sure to keep your home protected by contacting the agents at Advantage Insurance Network in Cincinnati, OH.

Dwelling FIre Insurance Explained

While a standard home owner’s insurance policy covers the structure and its contents against numerous hazards, a dwelling fire insurance policy covers against a much more narrow set of hazards. It costs less than a home owner’s policy and it’s customizable nature lets you pick what is covered.

What Dwelling Fire Insurance Covers
Don’t let its name mislead you. Depending on the insurer, a dwelling fire policy may cover: 

  • fire damage
  • smoke-related damage
  • explosions
  • wind damage
  • vandalism

The policy lists only the specific hazards covered. You can choose to cover only the structure or its contents, too. You can customize a dwelling fire policy to cover exactly what you need, including liability. 

Who Benefits from a Dwelling Fire Policy?
Many home owners don’t need a full home owner’s policy. Dwelling fire insurance makes the ideal choice for the following:

  • Landlords who need to insure the building, but not its contents.
  • Property owners whose home is under construction or renovation.
  • Owners of a second home or a vacation home.
  • Home owners of properties with a very low cash value like mobile homes or manufactured homes.
  • Home owners of historic properties whose structural features make a homeowner’s policy cost prohibitive.
  • Owners of significantly older structures in disrepair.

Visit Advantage Insurance Network of Cincinnati, OH to discuss whether a dwelling fire insurance policy works for you. Your Advantage agent can help you design a policy that exactly fits your needs. Remember that only a flood insurance policy covers flood, so if your home resides in a flood zone that requires coverage, you’ll need a separate flood policy. Let us help you design the perfect dwelling fire policy for you.

Will Motorcycle Insurance Cover My Lost Wages If I’m Unable to Work After a Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle accidents can be catastrophic. Even a small bump from a car can cause a motorcyclist to lose control of their bike and fall off. This can cause a lot of bodily damage. As such, you may be unable to work for weeks or months if you were injured in a motorcycle accident. Advantage Insurance Network, serving the greater Cincinnati, OH area, is often asked if motorcycle insurance will cover lost wages if you are unable to work because of a motorcycle accident. Here is the answer to this question.

If you are unable to work because you were involved in a motorcycle accident, your motorcycle accident coverage will typically cover your lost wages as long as a doctor states that you are unable to work for this period of time. Additionally, the lost wages fall under bodily injury. This means that you have to have enough coverage under your policy for these wages to be covered if you are at fault. For example, if your policy only covers $50,000 in bodily injury and your hospital bills amount to this amount, there will be nothing left over for your lost wages. If you were not at fault for the accident, the other driver’s insurance should kick in and help you, up to their maximum. You may also be able to sue them if you go over what their insurance covers.

As a general rule of thumb, lost wages are covered if a doctor states you are unable to work after a motorcycle accident. However, there needs to be enough coverage to cover this expense. Advantage Insurance Network, serving the greater Cincinnati, OH area can ensure you have enough coverage for catastrophic events. Call us today and let us put together the right motorcycle insurance policy for you.

Do You Really Need a Home Inventory?

A home inventory can be extremely useful when it comes to making an insurance claim. Having complete documentation of all your valuables makes it easier to make an accurate claim if your property sustains damage or loss due to an event covered by your insurance policy. Making a home inventory enables you to keep better track of your goods and their value. Here are a few reasons why this information is to your advantage.

Ensures Proper Insurance Coverage

Through a home inventory, you gain a better perspective of the value of your personal goods. This makes it easier to select the insurance coverage to protect your interests. After reviewing your home inventory, your Advantage Insurance Network agent in Cincinnati, OH can provide you with insurance options suitable for your situation. Having adequate insurance coverage ensures your goods are well protected against any eventuality.

Facilitates Insurance Claims

A written or digital home inventory provides documented proof of ownership of personal goods covered under your insurance policy. If your goods suffer damage or loss, you can refer to your home inventory to make a claim. Your inventory should include a list of personal effects, date of purchase, receipts (if any), a detailed description of each item and photos of costly goods such as antiques, heirlooms, jewelry, etc. Having this information on hand can help you avoid delays in making a claim. It also serves to verify the value of the item you lost so you can receive its replacement cost under your insurance coverage.

A home inventory is a valuable tool that homeowners can use to their advantage. With a home inventory, there’s less chance of forgetting to claim valuable items lost or damaged in a flood, fire, or other catastrophes. For greater insight into making and maintaining a home inventory, contact Advantage Insurance Network, Cincinnati, OH.